Super Renders IaaS Solution: Elevating Rendering Processes to New Heights

Welcome to our blog! Today, we would like to introduce you to an outstanding IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) solution from Super Renders Farm. With advanced vision and a drive to push the Rendering industry forward, Super Renders Farm has become a trusted partner for artists, designers, and digital content production companies worldwide.

IaaS is a powerful cloud-based model that allows users to access server infrastructure and network resources through a cloud environment. Super Renders Farm has recognized and fully utilized the potential of IaaS to meet the increasingly complex demands of Rendering tasks.

So why should you choose Super Renders Farm for your IaaS needs? Let’s explore the key highlights of this service.

1. Superior Performance and Rapid Rendering Speeds

Super Renders Farm is equipped with a robust and modern infrastructure, including optimized CPUs and GPUs for Rendering workloads. This ensures that you can render complex graphics with maximum performance and high-speed rendering. You will save time and increase productivity in the process of creating high-quality visual works.

2. Flexible Scale and Easy Scalability

Super Renders Farm provides you with flexibility and the ability to scale resources according to project requirements. You can easily increase or decrease server resources as needed, from rendering a single image to handling complex and large-scale rendering tasks. This helps you save costs and optimize resource utilization.

3. Top-tier Security and Data Protection

Super Renders Farm prioritizes security and data protection. Their system is safeguarded with robust security measures, including data encryption, access controls, and continuous monitoring. You can have peace of mind knowing that your data and resources are well-protected during service usage.

4. User-Friendly Interface and Convenient Management

Super Renders Farm offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface that allows you to conveniently manage and control the rendering process. You can easily track progress, manage resources, and interact with the system. No need to spend significant time and effort in learning and adapting to the interface.

With outstanding benefits and high-quality services, Super Renders Farm has established itself as a leader in IaaS for Rendering. Their services guarantee performance, speed, and flexibility, enabling the creation of impressive and high-quality visual works.

Visit the Super Renders Farm website today to explore more about their IaaS solution and embark on a powerful and convenient rendering experience.


3ds Max 2024.1 released

Autodesk has announced the release of 3ds Max 2024.1, introducing several new features and improvements to its existing tools.

The update includes significant enhancements to the Boolean Modifier, with a new caching method offering up to seven times faster loading of Boolean scenes. Additionally, the Boolean Modifier now fully supports smoothing groups, specified normals, and explicit normals that exist on input Boolean operands, effectively processing and including normal data in the result meshes created by the modifier.

The Array Modifier also receives considerable updates, including new Array By Element methods that provide users greater control over the arrangement of elements. Previously, if a source object had multiple elements and Array By Element was enabled, each element was randomly used as a clone. Now, two new Array By Element methods let you control how elements are arranged. A new ‘Variation’ parameter has been added, allowing users to adjust the angle of clones in phyllotactic spirals. Additionally, there are new parameters for the Phyllotaxis Distribution Method, offering more control over randomization.

One of the major user interface improvements in 3ds Max 2024.1 is the ability to create custom defaults through the context menus. This allows users to set user-defined default settings for many spinners, check boxes, radio buttons, text fields, drop-down menus, and colors.

For modelers and animators, there are updates to the Copy and Paste Animation commands, improving the workflow and enabling direct object or modifier parameter operations from the main UI or controllers in the Track View.

The Smart Extrude workflow now includes polygon smoothing and better support for normals, enabling a more polished result.

Several updates to spline modeling have been introduced, aimed at providing a more fluid workflow. There’s also significant performance enhancements to the VertexPaint Modifier, FFD Modifiers, and the Slate Material Editor.

Autodesk has included multiple improvements to the physical camera, color management, and customizable scrollbar sizes. The Autodesk Translation Framework (ATF) importer now supports NX 2212, SolidEdge 2023, and SolidWorks 2023.

Lastly, the release ships with MAXtoA for Arnold, introducing an updated AOV manager, automatic Cyrptomatte setup, and the ability to set Crypto Asset tags on objects.


Anima 5.1 released

AXYZ design has announced the release of anima 5.1, the latest version of its crowd simulation software.

With anima 5.1, users can duplicate and modify subscription assets in their projects, with the original asset needing to be installed and available for use of the modified resource. Animated thumbnails for assets from the online store have been added for easier preview and users can now adjust the size of the thumbnails in the actor panel and use the integrated search engine from the online store for asset discovery.

Additionally, anima 5.1 offers a new reset time slider to set the time for actors to be teleported back to the start of a path, and a new toggle to show or hide passwords in the sign-in dialog. The search engine from the original store has been integrated into the actor panel, project packing performance has been improved has been improved for sending to render farms. The plugins can now display a special model to indicate an access error when reading from 4D resources.

The 3ds Max Plugin in anima 5.1 allows duplicated drop characters to be a copy instead of an instance only, with improved compatibility of the 4D models with Chaos Vantage. It also includes support for 3dsMax 2024. Support for Maya 2024 has been added in the Maya Plugin.


RenderMan version 25 released

Pixar has announced the release of RenderMan version 25. New features include:

  • A completely new denoising technology developed by Disney Research using machine learning.
  • Improved convergence and interactivity using the XPU renderer
  • XPU outputs now include full support for LPEs and arbitrary AOVs
  • Improved stylisation looks toolset including improved toon shading, hatching, line distortion and UX
  • Progressive Pixels – Fractional first iteration display for improved image feedback with XPU, especially with very heavy models or volumes.
  • New Texture Cache – Improved performance on GPUs if the texture cache needs to do out-of-core texture lookups or is memory constrained.
  • Camera Controls – XPU now supports many controls of Pixar Camera, including depth of field and lens aberration.
  • USD Improvements – Houdini Solaris support has been improved with advancements in MaterialX, camera controls, motion blur, and more.
  • New Patterns – Extend your look development with new color and bump nodes.
  • Better Convergence – XPU support for Russian Roulette, Ray Depth, and more.
  • Bridge Updates – Houdini 19.5 and Katana 6 are now supported.
  • Deformation Motion Blur – XPU now supports full deformation motion blur, enabling studios to use XPU to generate fast quality control renders.
  • MaterialX Lama Improvements – ILM’s material layering system gets a new iridescence material response and improved physical accuracy.
  • Preset Browser – Native QT support in Blender.
  • New Presets – New collections for fur, hair, stylization, diverse skin, and more.
  • Light Baking – Improved global illumination baking by up to 2x, as well as additional controls for controlling resolution.
  • VFX Reference Platform – Updated to the 2021 standard.

In the CG industry, SuperRenders Farm is a cloud rendering service and render farm. SuperRenders Farm support for RenderMan rendering. We are offering a free $25 trial to every new user, let’s start rendering your impressive work now!


Render Farm Service

In the 3D animation and CGI industry, rendering is a crucial process that takes up significant amounts of time and computing resources. With the growing complexity and size of 3D models, animation, and visual effects, rendering has become more challenging and time-consuming. This is where render farm services come in, providing a reliable and cost-effective solution to handle large rendering tasks. In this article, we will explore the concept of render farm services, how they work, and their importance in the 3D animation and CGI industry.

1. What is a render farm service?

A render farm service is a third-party provider that offers rendering services to individuals and businesses in the 3D animation and CGI industry. A render farm is essentially a cluster of high-end computers that work together to render complex 3D scenes and animations. Render farms can be cloud-based or on-premises, and they provide a cost-effective and efficient solution to handle large-scale rendering projects.

2. How does a render farm work?

When a rendering project is submitted to a render farm service, the data is transferred to the render farm’s servers. The render farm then splits the project into smaller tasks and distributes them among the available computers. Each computer renders its assigned task and sends the completed data back to the render farm’s server. The render farm then combines all the completed tasks to generate the final output.

3. Types of render farm services

There are two types of render farm services: cloud-based and on-premises.

Cloud-based render farm

A cloud-based render farm service operates on remote servers, accessible via the internet. Users can submit their rendering projects from anywhere and at any time. Cloud-based render farms offer scalability, allowing users to scale up or down their resources as needed. They are also more cost-effective than on-premises render farms since users do not have to invest in hardware and software.

On-premises render farm

An on-premises render farm is a locally installed system that operates on a dedicated network within a facility. On-premises render farms offer more control and security since all the data is stored locally. However, they require a significant initial investment in hardware and software and may not be cost-effective for small-scale projects.

4. Benefits of using a render farm service

Increased rendering speed

Render farms can significantly reduce rendering time by distributing rendering tasks among multiple computers. This allows users to render complex scenes and animations faster than if they were rendering on a single computer.

Cost savings

Using a render farm service can be more cost-effective than investing in high-end hardware and software. Users only pay for the resources they use, and there are no ongoing maintenance costs.


Render farm services offer scalability, allowing users to scale up or down their resources as needed. This means users can handle large rendering projects without investing in additional hardware and software.

Access to advanced hardware and software

Render farm services offer access to high-end hardware and software, which may be too expensive for individual users or small businesses to acquire. This allows users to render complex scenes and animations that require advanced hardware and software.


Render farm services are reliable, providing users with a high level of uptime and ensuring that their rendering projects are completed on time. They also offer support and troubleshooting services to ensure that any issues are resolved quickly.

5. How to choose a render farm service provider

When choosing a render farm service provider, consider the following factors:


Look for a render farm service that offers transparent and competitive pricing. Make sure to consider any hidden fees or charges that may be added later.


Ensure that the render farm service provider has adequate security measures in place to protect your data and intellectual property.

Hardware and software

Choose a render farm service that uses high-end hardware and software to ensure that your rendering projects are completed quickly and accurately.


Look for a render farm service that offers scalability, allowing you to scale up or down your resources as needed.


Choose a render farm service that offers excellent customer support, including troubleshooting and technical assistance.

6. Challenges and limitations of render farm services

While render farm services offer many benefits, they also have some challenges and limitations. These include:

Data transfer speeds

The time it takes to transfer large rendering projects to and from the render farm service can be a bottleneck. This can impact the overall rendering time and increase project turnaround time.

Limited control

Users have limited control over the rendering process when using a render farm service. This can be a challenge for users who require precise control over the rendering process.

Security concerns

Some users may have security concerns about transferring their sensitive data to a third-party render farm service provider.

7. Conclusion

Render farm services provide a reliable and cost-effective solution for handling large-scale rendering projects in the 3D animation and CGI industry. With the increasing complexity and size of 3D models and visual effects, render farm services have become essential for ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget.

Currently, SuperRenders Farm supports most of the popular 3D software, renderers, and plugins, such as 3D Max, Blender, Cinema 4D, Maya, Arnold, V-Ray, Corona, Redshift, Houdini, After Effect, etc… If you need a render farm with the cheapest price and the fastest rendering speed, please check it out:


Camera Tracker: Error Thresholds Rollout

The Camera Tracker utility’s Error Thresholds rollout attempts to identify feature tracking errors by taking measurements and comparing them to the thresholds that you set up in this rollout. You can use this detection can be used both during a manual tracking review or during actual tracking to correct errors using the Resample On Error control in the Motion Trackers setup rollout.

  • Utilities panel > Utilities rollout > More button > Utilities dialog > Camera Tracker > Error Thresholds rollout


Match Error

A sum-of-differences-squared measure in RGB space of the best match in the current frame to the feature target from the previous keyframe. The error shown is a percentage of the maximum possible image difference. Good matches are usually below 0.05 percent.Variance Delta

The difference in RGB color variance between the feature target image and the current best match. This measures whether the target and match have similar color ranges and can compensate for mistakes made by the sum-of-differences measure.Jump Delta

The tracker computes a moving average for the preceding five frames and measures the difference between that average and the jump in the current frame. If this difference exceeds the current Jump delta threshold, a potential error is flagged. If the threshold is set to five, any jump in the current frame that’s five pixels more than the average jump in the last five frames is flagged. This picks up sudden accelerations rather than just large jumps.

You can adjust the thresholds as needed and enable or disabled individual measures in the detector using the checkboxes to the left of each measure.


Twinmotion 2023.1 released

Epic Games has announced the release of Twinmotion 2023.1. The release features a streamlined user interface, new and improved materials, enhanced path tracing, over 1,000 new assets, industry-specific templates, and more… New features include:

  • New and improved UI
  • Environments and backgrounds to fit your project
  • Path Tracer enhancements
  • New and improved materials
  • New ready-posed humans and standard assets
  • Twinmotion Datasmith file exporter
  • Optimized Twinmotion file format
  • Improved viewport display


Blender 3.5 released

The Blender Foundation has announced the release of Blender 3.5. New features include a GPU-accelerated viewport compositor, support for sculpting with vector displacement maps, 26 built-in node groups assets for hair grooming, faster rendering of scenes with many lights in Cycles, the ability to import and export USDZ, improved EEVEE speed on Apple Silicon, support for non-uniform spot lights and less noisy area lights in Cycles, new animation curves tools, new UV and modelling tools, faster OBJ export, and hundreds of bug fixes, performance, memory improvements, cleanups, refactors, and more. 


Autodesk has released 3ds Max 2024

Autodesk has released 3ds Max 2024. New features include:

  • OCIO colour management is now available as a technology preview, bringing modern colour management solutions throughout Max. 
  • A new boolean modifier is available that allows users to incorporate boolean operations into the modifier stack. 
  • An OpenVDB meshing method is included in the new boolean modifier, providing an alternate wat to calculate operations. OpenVDb booleans are topologically independent of the source geometry and they will often yield good results even when mesh errors are present that would cause standard boolean techniques to fail. 
  • The array modifier is updated with a new Phyllotaxis distribution technique. This type of pattern is frequently seen in nature, particularly in plants and trees. 
  • The array modifier includes a new Material ID rollout that can control the materials IDs on a per-face or per-element basis. Several modes are available including random, sequenced, and the ability to change the ID of the first and last clone in an array and randomise the remainder. 
  • The array modifier can now use a progressive transform mode that increments the transform value for each element. 
  • A new controller allows the user to add multiple Transform controllers to an object as layers of blended animation data. This lets animators add unique animation data to each layer, as well as allows them to control how the layers blend together.
  • A new material node allows the user to switch between multiple materials using a numeric index. 
  • The motion paths feature that allows users to visualise animation paths has been updated so that it can now be used for all controller types and it works with the new list controllers. 
  • The slate material editor has been overhauled to use QT. As a result, it’s much more customisable and dockable, as well as promising significant speed improvements. 
  • The material editor now includes a new Compound node that allows you to create sub-graphs. These can be used to organise large graphs to aid legibility. Creating a compound is as simple as right-clicking on a selection of nodes and selecting Package Nodes in Compound, 
  • The Modifier list has been improved to use QT and now includes a list search feature so that users can start typing to find the modifier they need. 
  • The Symmetry Modifier‘s default Mirror Axis is now X to better align with artist’s workflows.
  • STL import is now an impressive 10,000 times faster, and the STL Check modifier is 5000% times faster.
  • Auto Smooth is now at least 10% faster
  • The Material Modifier can now be used on splines without them being converted to a mesh. It can now also retain explicit normals when applied to a mesh. 
  • Spline Welding is improved 
  • Retriangulation for Edit Poly and Editable poly is improved as follows: The edit poly modifier now uses the new retriangulation algorithm introduced in Max 2023.2;  Editable Poly objects and the Edit Poly modifier now automatically retriangulate faces when a vertex, edge, or face is adjusted in a way that causes edges or hidden faces to cross; New faces that are generated when performing capping are no longer left unsmoothed. Instead, faces are assigned to a new smoothing group; The new traingulation algorithm is now used for face splitting by insertion of edges, Slice, Cut, Bridge, Vertex extrusion, and edge extrusion.
  • 3ds Max 2024 ships with Substance 2.4.10 and Arnold


Arnold render MAXtoA errors when starting 3ds Max


When starting 3ds Max it will crash with one or more of these messages: DLL <c:\programdata\autodesk\applicationplugins\maxtoa_202x\MaxtoA.dlr> failed to initialize.Error code 126 – The specified module could not be found.

DLL <c:\programdata\autodesk\applicationplugins\maxtoa_202x\MaxtoA_Menu.gup> failed to initialize.Error code 126 – The specified module could not be found.

“./ArnoldInstanceShape.dlu” specified in “C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\MAXtoA_20XX\PackageContents.xml” doesn’t exist. “./ArnoldFluidUtil.dlu” specified in “C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\MAXtoA_20XX\PackageContents.xml” doesn’t exist. “./OperatorGraphPlugin.dla” specified in “C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\MAXtoA_20XX\PackageContents.xml” doesn’t exist.


Corruption during Arnold installation.

Solution:Uninstall and Reinstall the MaxtoA plugin:

  1. In Windows, open the Control Panel > Programs and Features menu.
  2. In the programs list, find the entry for the MAXtoA for 3ds Max plugin.
  3. Right-click the MAXtoA entry > Uninstall.
  4. Download the latest MaxtoA plugin for 3ds Max and install it again.

Note. Do not run any other programs or software during the install.


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